Monday, November 7, 2016

Plastic Shopping Bags Should be banned in Texas

Texas State should ban the use of plastic shopping bags; the main reason being that plastic bags affect wildlife. When plastic bags are disposed in areas with wild animals they might choke or poison the animals either marine life or even birds. And by banning plastic bags those animals will not be at risk. The other reason is they are very costly to clear up. Clearing up of these plastic bags in a town will cost a lot of money to the government and hence should be banned as that money can be used in another better project which is of benefit to Texas. Plastic bags take a very long time to decompose and since they are disposed everywhere they make the town dirty hence banning their use will ensure the town is always clean and fresh. Plastic bags pollute soil and they release a toxic chemical which mixes with the soil making it harmful for agriculture. It can also go deep and mix with underground water and makes the water unhealthy for human and animal’s consumption.

Plastic bags releases toxic when burned and makes the air harmful and this causes a lot of side effects to human bodies. Disposal of plastic bags where there is water flow causes blockage of drainage systems hence causing a lot of damage and government spending a lot of money in unblocking of the drainage systems. When plastic bags are exposed to high temperature they produce a poisonous substance which causes birth defects and genetic mutations on humans. When plastic bags are disposed on soil they prevent the plants from breathing hence hindering the plants growth. Some plastic bags are petroleum based plastic which needs a lot of petrol in the industry in its making hence they become very expensive because of the price of petrol. Texas State should thus ban the use of plastic bags for better animals, plants and human health and also growth of its economy.


  1. I really enjoyed my colleague's work entitled "Plastic Shopping Bags Should be banned in Texas". Raj really was able to convince and persuade me that plastic bags should be banned in the state of Texas. He gave great environmental reasons and economic reasons for this ban and has swayed me from a position of who cares to a position of we should care. The only way I believe he could strengthen his argument is providing specific real world examples that support his broad statements.
    He was able to educate the reader on all the harmful aspects of plastic bags in our immediate environment. His statements are powerful and to the point evoking a tone of danger felt by the reader. His statements are also logical and he had a conclusion that summed up all his main points. All and all a great commentary piece that I enjoyed to read, great job Raj!

  2. The post “Plastic Shopping Bags Should be banned in Texas” by my classmate Raj is really straightforward and well addressed the problem. All reasonable opinions were included in this post, and developed with proved evidences. As people know the post effect of plastic bag, this is one of the causes for environment pollution, human life and wildlife devastation. My classmate did a great job to address all the issues above. Plastic bag decomposition is not only Texas issue but also a worldwide issue. I also agree that Texas should ban the plastic bag because these little shopping bags can cause so many bad effects on earth. It is sad to see how wildlife animals have to struggle for what human beings do, so human being need to do something to protect not only wildlife animals but also the surrounding environment. My classmate is also stay strong with his thesis statement throughout the post. I may strongly agree with him if he can put in his thoughts how Legislature can make this law to be effective in Texas. There are too many facts about the bad effects of plastic bags, and these may distract readers’ interests, but overall he can still convince readers to agree on this topic. His reasons are persuasive enough for readers, so if he can address how lawmakers can make this law into action, this would be a great post.

  3. I enjoyed reading the blog "Plastic bags should be banned in Texas" by one of my classmates. There is some information that I was able to understand the pro side of banning plastic bags in Texas. My classmate was able to give different facts about why plastic bags are bad for the community. I didn't really think of any reason to why someone should ban the plastic bag but, I was able to gather some information on plastic bags after reading this blog. Overall, my classmate did really good job providing information to persuade other to not use plastic bags with different reasoning.
